Dacă sunteți obsedat de cultura pop, și nu numai, veți avea nevoie de un nume potrivit pentru noul dumneavoastră cățeluș. Veți avea nevoie de ceva special și diferit, un nume ce va sugera anumite detalii despre gusturile și temperamentul câinelui.
Dacă acest lucru vă surâde, sunteți în locul potrivit, deoarece aici puteți identifica 101 nume de câini din cultura pop, extrase din diverse domenii precum: filme, TV, desene animate, comedii, cărți, internet și nu numai.
Nume faimoase de caini preluate din filme
- Asta (The Thin Man)
- Baby (Clean Slate)
- Barney (Gremlins)
- Baxter (Anchorman)
- Beau (Iron Will)
- Beatrice (Best In Show)
- Beethoven ( Beethoven )
- Benji ( Benji )
- Bingo (Bingo)
- Bolt ( Bolt )
- Boomer (Independence Day)
- Brinkley ( You’ve Got Mail )
- Bruiser ( Legally Blonde )
- Buckley (The Royal Tenenbaums)
- Buddy ( Air Bud )
- Chopper( Stand By Me )
- Cosmo (Guardians Of The Galaxy)
- Cujo ( Cujo )
- Chance and Shadow ( Homeward Bound )
- Charlie B. Barkin( All Dogs Go To Heaven )
- Clue (The Adventures Of Mary-Kate And Ashley)
- Copper ( The Fox And The Hound )
- Daisy (John Wick)
- Daisy (Snatch)
- Daphne (Look Who’s Talking Now)
- Dug ( Up )
- Einstein ( Back To The Future )
- Elvis ( Don’t Tell Mom The Babysitter’s Dead )
- Fang (Harry Potter)
- Flealick (Babe: Pig In The City)
- Flike (Umberto D)
- Fluke (Fluke)
- Fly & Rex ( Babe )
- Frank the pug( Men In Black )
- Fred (Smokey & The Bandit)
- Hachi (A Dog’s Tale)
- Hercules ( The Sandlot )
- Hooch ( Turner & Hooch )
- Hosehead ( Strange Brew )
- Jack (The Artist)
- Jerry Lee (K-9)
- Jock & Trusty( Lady And The Tramp )
- Killer (Half Baked)
- Lady ( Lady And The Tramp )
- Lolabelle (Heart Of A Dog)
- Marley ( Marley And Me )
- Matisse (Down and Out in Beverly Hills)
- Max / Wolfie ( The Terminator & Terminator 2: Judgement Day )
- Milo ( The Mask )
- Miss Agnes ( Best In Show )
- Mother Teresa( Must Love Dogs )
- Nanook ( The Lost Boys )
- Otis ( The Adventures of Milo and Otis )
- Perdita & Pongo ( One Hundred And One Dalmatians )
- Pippin (Jaws)
- Pixie (The Danish Girl)
- Pizza (X-Men: Apocalypse)
- Pops (The Secret Life of Pets)
- Puffy ( There’s Something About Mary )
- Quark ( Honey, I Shrunk The Kids )
- Reno (Top Dog)
- Rhapsody In White (Best In Show)
- Rimshot (Ernest Goes To Jail)
- Rin Tin Tin / Rinty ( Rin Tin Tin )
- Rocco (The Drop)
- Rocks (Look Who’s Talking Now)
- Samantha (I Am Legend)
- Sandy (Annie)
- Scraps (A Dog’s Life)
- Shiloh (Saving Shiloh)
- Sirius Black a.k.a. Padfoot a.k.a. Snuffles ( Harry Potter )
- Skipper ( My Dog Skip )
- Slinky ( Toy Story )
- Sparky ( Frankenweenie )
- Speck (Pee-wee’s Big Adventure)
- Snots (National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation)
- Stitch ( Lilo & Stitch )
- Toto ( The Wizard Of Oz )
- Uggie ( The Artist )
- Verdell (As Good As It Gets)
- Whiskey ( Blade Runner 2049 ) **
- Wilby (The Shaggy Dog)
- William (Patton)
- Winky (Best in Show)
- Winn-Dixie (Because Of Winn-Dixie)
- Zero ( The Nightmare Before Christmas )
- Zochor (The Cave of the Yellow Dog)
- Zowie (Pet Sematary II)
Nume de caini celebre preluate din seriale de televiziune
- Arlo (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
- Astro (The Jetsons)
- Backup (Veronica Mars)
- Bandit (Little House On The Prairie)
- Bear (Person Of Interest)
- Bismarck (Checkmate)
- Blacktoe (Star Trek: The Next Generation)
- Blue ( Blue’s Clues )
- Brian ( Family Guy )
- Bullet (The Roy Rogers Show)
- Cinnamon (The Big Bang Theory)
- Claude (The Beverly Hillbillies)
- Coco (The Donna Reed Show)
- Comet ( Full House )
- Dino ( The Flintstones ) *
- Eddie Crane (Fraiser)
- Fang (Get Smart)
- Flash (The Dukes Of Hazzard)
- Freeway (Hart To Hart)
- Lassie (Lassie)
- Maximillion (The Bionic Woman)
- Mister Peabody ( The Adventures Of Rocky And Bullwinkle And Friends )
- Petey ( Little Rascals )
- Poochie ( The Simpsons )
- Queequeg (The X-Files)
- Ren Höek (The Ren & Stimpy Show)
- Rollo (Outlander)
- Santa’s Little Helper ( The Simpsons )
- Spike ( Rugrats )
- Tiger (The Brady Bunch)
Nume faimoase de caini preluate din carti, comedii, desene animate si cultura pop
- Binky Barnes (Arthur)
- Brain (Inspector Gadget)
- Buck (Call Of The Wild)
- Buttons (Animaniacs)
- Choppy (The Yogi Bear Show)
- Clifford (Clifford the Big Red Dog)
- Dollar (Richie Rich)
- Fifi (Rugrats)
- Goliath (Samson And Goliath)
- Goddard (The Adventures Of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius)
- Gromit ( Wallace And Gromit )
- Jelly Roll (Jibber Jabber)
- Krypto (Krypto The Superdog)
- Marmaduke ( Marmaduke )
- Mr. Peanutbutter (BoJack Horseman)
- Lockjaw (The Fantastic Four)
- Lomax (Lomax, The Hound Of Music)
- Max (How The Grinch Stole Christmas!)
- McBarker (What’s New Mr. Magoo)
- Mr. Peanutbutter ( BoJack Horseman )
- Mumbly (The Mumbly Cartoon Show)
- Odie ( Garfield )
- Pluto (Disney)
- Rowlf (The Muppets)
- Rump (DinoSquad)
- Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo)
- Seymour (Futurama)
- Snert (Haggar The Horrible)
- Snoopy (Peanuts)
- Spuds MacKenzie (80s spokesdog)
- Snowy (TinTin)
- Streak (Green Lantern)
- T-Bone (Clifford The Big Red Dog)
Nume celebre de caini din istorie si din lumea reala
- Balto (cainele Husky care a ajutat la livrarea medicamentelor in Nome, Alaska, ce a prevenit raspandirea unei boli)
- Bo and Sunny (cainii presedintelui Obama)
- Checkers (cainele presedintelui Nixon)
- Chips (cel mai decorat caine din Al doilea Razboi Mondial)
- Hachikō (celebrul Akita Inu care se intalnea cu stapanul sau in statia de tren in fiecare zi dupa terminarea serviciului)
- Laika (cainele rusesc ce a ajuns in spatiu)
- Peritas (cainele favorit al lui Alexandru cel Mare)
- Tinkerbell (cainele chihuahua al lui Paris Hilton)
Aveti nevoie de mai multa inspiratie pentru numele noului dvs. animal de companie?
Animalele de companie sunt ca și copiii noștri. Îi iubim, îi îngrijim și ajungem să-i îmbrăcăm în ținute adorabile, așa că este extrem de important să ne luăm timp pentru a găsi numele perfect care să le reflecte personalitatea și potențialul.